School Safety First. 850+ schools count on Kokomo24/7™

Exterior of a dormitory on the campus of University of Georgia.

Kokomo24/7 IMS is replacing ISTAR system at Los Angles Unified School District (LAUSD)

ISTAR is an incident management system LA Unified Schools have used for last 8 years. Kokomo was selected to replace the system and bring the capacity to the cloud. Kokomo24/7 IMS is leading the EdTech industry by introducing actionable and proactive analysis from an AI (artificial intelligence) engine.

Daniel, CEO and Geek of Kokomo

"What if a system not only keeps track of and manage incidents reactively but predict and prevent it from happening proactively for our students? Isn't that what we all want today? We are helping LAUSD achieving this noble goal today."

What if...

We can tell who might need intervention, proactively?
We can predict bullying and suicidal behavior?

We can tell where to put resources?

Ping us for a 15-minute to-the-point demo.