Email Management Tips To Enhance Your Productivity

In our fast-paced digital world, email remains a cornerstone of communication, both in personal and professional spheres. However, the constant influx of messages can quickly turn your inbox into a chaotic mess if not managed efficiently, taking a toll on your productivity at work 

Employees Are Constantly Emailing 

According to a report from McKinsey Global Institute, employees spend up to 28 percent of their days just responding to emails. Other findings from the study revealed that on average, employees are checking their work emails 11 times an hour, almost 50 percent of emails are considered spam, and more than 95 percent of employees consider “irrelevant” emails to be a distraction and “waste of time.”  

These statistics illustrate not only how busy our inboxes can be, but show how productivity is being negatively affected by how much time and effort is spent on email management. Fortunately, with the right strategies, you can regain control over your inbox and get back to doing the tasks that matter most. Here are five tips that can help you better manage your email, freeing up time for the things you really want to work on.  


Use the “Do It Now” Rule 

The “Do Tt Now” rule, sometimes referred to as the “one” or “two-minute” rule, is one of the most effective ways to not only keep your inbox clean, but also make sure you’re being productive. The rule states that when you open an email, if you can respond to it or complete the task within the next few minutes, you should do it immediately!  

This strategy prevents small tasks from piling up and helps keep the number of unread emails in your inbox low by quickly taking care of the tasks that can be dealt with right away.  



How often do you get emails that you delete the second you see them? Regularly reviewing your email subscriptions and unsubscribing from those that you no longer need can prevent you from even receiving those emails in the first place.  


Hit That Delete Button 

It might be hard to justify completely deleting an email rather than just marking it as read, but if you don’t need the email or it’s spam, you should delete it. Deleting your emails decreases clutter, making it easier to find the emails you really need. In addition, deleting your emails is good for the environment! 

Studies have proven that deleting emails lowers your carbon footprint by reducing the power that it takes to run your email!  


Use Folders  

Using folders to help organize your inbox is also one of the most effective ways of managing your emails. Labeling, prioritizing, and filing emails into specific folders helps decrease clutter, increases the speed at which you can access emails, and improves your workflow. For example, individuals can separate their emails into two main folders- “To do” and “Reference”.  

The “Reference” folder holds emails requiring your attention later while the “To do” folder holds emails requiring action to be taken as soon as possible. These folders, however, are a personal preference and each individual can customize the number and names of the folders in their inbox.  



Designate Time to Catch Up 

Constantly checking your email disrupts your workflow. Instead, establish specific times throughout the day to check and respond to emails. This minimizes distractions and allows you to focus on important tasks. 


In conclusion, managing your email effectively is a skill that can significantly enhance your productivity and reduce stress. Remember, effective email management is not about emptying your inbox at all costs, but about staying in control and ensuring that your inbox serves as a productive tool rather than a source of stress. By implementing these tips, you'll streamline your email process, regain precious time, and enhance your overall productivity. 


Kokomo24/7® is a leader in compliance and risk management solutions for all things health and safety. Founded in 2018, Kokomo24/7® has a significant track record across Fortune 1000 companies as well as public-sector clients like the Los Angeles Unified School District and Chicago Public Schools. Ask us about the time we helped host the Oscars!  

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