Covid Statewide Orders On Temperature Screening Requirements

Covid Statewide Orders On Temperature Screening Requirements

With many states now mandating all employees be temperature screened daily in order to go work, it is more important now than ever for companies to have to resources in place to screen employees effectively, efficiently, and safely. 

Kokomo24/7® is excited to introduce our fully comprehensive employee screening solution that integrates our COVIDTracker™ technology with the GoSafe™ Temperature Touchless Scanner. This is the most effective and efficient Covid-19 Return-to-Work solution in the market. The body temperature is captured and seamlessly paired with COVIDTracker™'s daily self-assessment, case management, and contract tracing solutions that fall in line with the state health mandates as well as recommended guidelines from the CDC. 

  1. Did your State make the list of mandated temp screenings?
    Covid Statewide Orders.

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